Monday, January 29, 2018

FaceTime & Skype Sessions Open Again

Hi all!

I'm pleased to announce that after almost two years, I've re-opened my FaceTime and Skype sessions to those who can't get to my Chantilly, VA office.  I am still not conducting telephone sessions but wanted to accommodate clients who have a difficult time getting to my office or simply are just too far away... and FaceTime/Skype feels more personal to me than phone sessions, anyway.

For now, the FT/Skype sessions will be conducted on Wednesday evenings at 7 - 8pm EST.  I may extend the timeframe of these sessions at some point in the future.

I will be taking individual sessions (with no more than two extra participants - no groups) at the same rate as my in-person sessions.  The sessions with extra participants will work in the same way where you will purchase the individual session and then add the extra participant fee(s) if applicable.  For the best possible experience, I recommend having a good internet connection and to be in a quiet space in your home or office where you won't be distracted by other people or noises, etc.

Because my online booking system won't allow me to split my services/locations, you'll just need to call me at (703) 474-2227 to book this kind of session and I'll put you in the system manually.  You will still need to supply your credit card or I can send you a PayPal invoice, but like my in-person sessions, you'll need to confirm your appointment with your payment in advance since my sessions are so limited.  Thank you for understanding!

A few points on FT/Skype sessions...

One of the reasons I stopped doing these kinds of readings was because of people off-camera quietly participating in the reading with nods and whispers while not paying to participate like you would if you brought someone to my office.  If you're in the same room and off to the side and interacting with my client - silent or not - you're experiencing the reading live and are an extra participant.  I really don't want this to be an issue this time, which is why I'm laying it all on the table now.  If I notice this happening, I will need to stop the session.  I do hope you understand.

And I know this sounds silly, but it's happened more than a few times and also has to be addressed. Please don't wear your pajamas or nightgown for a session, lol.  I know you're comfy in your home, but it's a bit uncomfortable if you're in hair rollers and a robe, lol.  No, you don't have to dress up and I seriously don't care if you wear sweats to be comfy (I may as well), but I've had some awkward situations, so I'll just leave it there... I know you get it.  :D

THAT SAID... (don't judge... ) the only space in my home where I have peace and quiet is my silversmithing studio and having a corner desk, well, you're gonna see my workbenches in the background.  Even all cleaned up, tools and workbenches are messy, and if it seems to be an issue, I'll try to find a room divider or backdrop.

SO... there you go!  If you can't come to Chantilly or it's a big pain in the butt, now you have another option!  :D  Please spread the news with friends you think may be interested!  :)  My website is and then just click the appointments tab.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!  Stay warm!
Barb xo

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