Monday, May 23, 2016

Upcoming Markets and News

Hello from what I think is Seattle, WA rather than Northern Virginia as it's literally rained for more than two weeks.

I. am. so. sick. of. it.  I know I'm not alone!  All of our plants are waterlogged and because we have a ginormous tree in our back yard, we have algae on the deck.  As careful as I was yesterday, I took a pretty big spill on it.  It's like water on ice mixed with some oil even.  WHAM.  Some very pretty bruises, and a little sore, but it's ok.

The dogs have also had it.  They will NOT go out in the rain, and if they do, it's because they just can't cross their legs any longer, lol.  The rain needs to move ON already!

Barb the Medium news:
I have a nice wait list going and if you've called and left a message, you are ON the list!  What I've decided to do (with some exceptions) is to book a month up and then call at the end of that month for the following month.  This is because I don't know about show schedules, yet and I don't want to have to reschedule or rearrange session appointments.  So, if you haven't heard from me today or this week, you may hear from me at the end of June.  This is also depending on if I hear back from the folks I've called.  I left messages and if I don't hear back in the next day or two, I'll go to the next person on the list.

I'm trying to be as fair as I can, so bear with me!  :)

Barb the Silversmith news:
Weather permitting, I'll be at the Reston Market this Saturday (28th) from 9 - 1pm.  I'll have new pieces out from $5 up to $140, so a big range.  I'm trying to bring more lower priced items, but I know there are some folks like me who like the bigger and chunkier pieces, too!

The Reston Market is at Lake Anne and we are right by the steps of the lake.  Come see us!  :)
*If it's raining, I will NOT be there!*

For those of you who live near South Riding, I'll be doing the Fall Festival there.  Looks like a fun show with lots of vendors and beer.  LOL!  That event is September 24 from 12-6.

Hope you all are doing great!  Oh, it stopped raining!

~Barb xx

Update - FIVE minutes later.... didn't stop raining.

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