Hi everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and you were able to spend it with your favorite people! We had a rather quiet one, which I liked and even had a visit from the grandboo who got his new Paw Patrol walking Max dog. It's so cute... it's like walking a little stuffed dog. I'm pretty surprised it lasted as long as it did in this house because Sammy wanted to KILL IT.
I did a few local holiday jewelry/craft shows and learned my lesson. Do NOT do middle school or elementary school shows! They were not advertised well and there just wasn't any traffic. I'll be focusing more on high schools and larger events this year. If anyone knows of any local shows that are pretty busy, please let me know, if you don't mind! Some shows are upwards in the hundreds and is why I didn't participate in them last year. I appreciate any feedback if you're a NOVA show attendee! :D
I had lots of custom orders for this holiday, so that was really fun! They are so fun to make, but make me SO nervous that the size may not come out right, or something isn't absolutely perfect. Then I remind myself that it's hand-made, and pretty darn OK, if I do say so myself! Ha! I look back at my starting pieces and cringe knowing that I should have used stronger wire or metal or should have set something more smoothly. Now that the custom orders are all done, I get to pick a pretty stone and give it a good home in a silver setting. A friend and fellow silversmith, Kelli says that and I love it. I find beautiful stones and give them a forever home, ha! Kelli from Mothers On The Mountain Jewelry... check her out!
Mike is down and out for a few days after a knee somethingscopy to repair a torn meniscus he's had for about a year. Actually, last years ginormous snow sealed the deal for that knee. He's working for a local elections office and had ZERO time to have the surgery done because of the election and the craziness it brought. The surgery went well and I'm taking a break from being Nurse Barb (not Ratched, I've been nice... so far. :D) to update my blog and to have a bit of me time! Phew... Tomorrow, we get to remove the bandages and get stanky into the shower!
The pups are doing well. Maggie has had some large weird skin lump that needs to be looked at that again, so she's going to the vet for shots and a check up on that. They said before that it wasn't cancer and not a parasite, but had no idea. It never grew, but this year it's been scratched a little and I want it gone. It's weird and I worry, so I really want to have that removed from her and checked. Sammy is as goofy as always and is going in soon for his shots, too. The madam had to have her spay put on hold a bit because we had some massive car problems in the fall, but she'll go in soon to have her physical and to see if she can have her spay. Hoping that there's no cancer detected, but the anesthesia still freaks me out, especially with older buns. We have the best rabbit savvy vet, though, so I'm praying she'll be ok when the time comes to spay her soon.
Other than that, just enjoying some time off and catching up on emails, etc. New jewelry to make soon after the mister doesn't need as much help. :)
As far as in person sessions, thank you all for your incredible patience. I'm plugging through the wait list and will soon be calling people for late Feb/early March appointments. I will be closing my list for a while tomorrow night, and the update from my website is listed below.
If you are interested in my silly life in pictures and you're on Instagram, follow me here! I post there pretty regularly!
Happy New Year, everyone! Much love and a MUCH BETTER 2017, omg. 2016 bit the big one.
Barb xx
*Updated 12/30/16:
Thanks so much for your patience and for your interest in a session with me! As much as I don't want to, as of 12/31/16 I will need to close my wait list for a while to try to catch up on my current wait list for this year. As of now, any new sign ups will be booking probably during the fall of 2017. If you'd like to be on my 2017 wait list, you have until 12/31/16 to jump on it. I will not be taking any names or any "when you DO open your list, please add me" names after that date until I re-open this list sometime next year. If you are looking for a medium with a sooner availability, I would recommend Lisa Boslett at www.lisaboslett.com.
A few things to consider first:
*Sessions are done on Friday afternoons only between 3 - 5pm.
*I am conducting all sessions in my Chantilly, VA office.
*I have no idea how long it may be to get to you - possibly fall or so if you sign up now.
*Unless there is an unexpected opening, I'll probably contact you about a month prior to the session.
*I am no longer taking gift certificate orders as I don't know how much longer I'll be taking clients.
If you still want an in person session, :) please email me or call with the following info:
1. Your first name
2. Email Address
3. Cell phone number
4. What type session (mediumship or guidance/tarot)
5. What length session (45-60 minute or 30-40 minute) More info on my services here.
Again, I will be sure to notify you here and on my blog/FB with any updates.
*If you've left your information, you're already the list to call.
Thanks again for your patience!